Future-fit spaces
We build on sustainability for a grandchildable world
More than a service, a home for people.
As a housing company, we have a corporate and social mission to create not only affordable, but also livable and climate-friendly housing. This also means that we are helping to create a space in our districts in which social interaction and supportive neighborhoods can develop. In doing so, we rely on a holistic and sustainable approach that effectively conserves resources and protects the climate (Environment), creates tangible social added value (Social) and a value-based business policy (Governance).
Climate-friendly housing portfolio
We invest in our portfolio and promote climate and resource-friendly construction methods in new builds in order to fulfill our ecological responsibility.
CO2/m2 per rental space by 2045

Actively shaping climate responsibility.
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In times of climate change, it is essential for housing companies to address the impact of their own business activities. With around 53,000 residential units, our GWH building portfolio is a significant lever for effective climate protection. We have therefore developed a decarbonization strategy. This describes our specific contribution to a climate-friendly housing portfolio.

From energy efficiency in existing buildings through energy-efficient modernisation and new construction to KfW Standard 55 to the use of renewable energies and storage technologies, we are gradually implementing measures for greater climate protection.

Together, we can create affordable and climate-friendly housing.

Livable housing and neighborhood development
We create affordable and sustainable living space and support our tenants in leveraging potential savings themselves and acting responsibly.
rented GWH residential units
Average rent per square meter/month
Financial support per residential unit/year to promote local neighborhoods
More than 27.000
Trees in the GWH tree population to promote the living environment

Developing good housing and neighborhoods.
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Apartments alone are not enough. As a housing company, we must promote and help shape social interaction and the quality of life in our large GWH housing estates.

Our neighbourhood development therefore looks at all the groups that characterize our GWH estates and creates suitable offers. Together with social partners, we create an attractive and needs-oriented living environment in constant dialog with our tenants. In addition to designing the living environment, we work with charitable partners to develop social infrastructures that provide support in everyday life. In research projects, we are scientifically investigating the topic of „quality of life in large housing estates“.

Together, we can create liveable neighborhoods.

Attractive working environment
We create a modern and attractive working environment and a space where people at GWH can develop and take on responsibility.
10,1 years
Company affiliation on average
Women in the lead at GWH
Trainees at GWH in 2022
17,3 hrs.
annual average for training and further education
Fluctuation in 2022

Creating a modern and fair working environment.
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As an employer of more than 500 employees, we have a duty and responsibility to ensure safe, healthy and fair working conditions where we highlight and value the individual potential of people at GWH.

Driven by our corporate value of "fairness", we proactively involve our employees and thus strengthen inclusive and equitable cooperation. To achieve this, we rely on a compatibility- and life-phase-conscious corporate culture that meets the requirements of today's working environment. Since 2009, we have been undergoing the berufundfamilie audit, which helps us to improve.

Together, we can create meaningful work.

Future-oriented corporate management
We maintain our company value through responsible investments that secure our financial strength and manage our Group according to future-oriented parameters.
reported incidents of discrimination in 2022
confirmed incidents of corruption in 2022

Laying the foundations for long-term value retention.
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Our strategic focus on sustainability creates the basis for us at GWH to remain successful and sustainable in the future. Through long-term investments, we maintain the financial strength that enables us to invest in the sustainable development of our Group.

This is how we shape a good residential portfolio with the necessary innovative strength and leverage the potential of digitalization in building technology and our business processes in a targeted manner. Our compliance system also helps us to strengthen economic and fair cooperation along the GWH value chain as a foundation.

Together, we can shape future-oriented business.